Where is the Church?
1142 W. Ivy Avenue
Moses Lake, Washington 98837
(509) 765-8819
We are located by Midway Elementary and behind El Rodeo and North 40.
When are the services?
Sunday Services are at 8:30 and 10:00 am. We have a Wednesday evening service (called WEN) at 6:00 pm.
For more information about what's going on in the life of our church, click here.
What can i expect?
At Moses Lake Pres, we feel that it’s OUR responsibility to “clear the way” for you to come to church. We want you to be able to experience God through worship, theologically solid messages, friendly faces and an enjoyable atmosphere. And we know that your first time at a church, any church, brings up some questions. How do I get there… what should I wear… what’s available for my kids…? Here is a quick look at what you can expect:
how should i dress?
We encourage you to dress how you would feel most comfortable. For some, that means jeans and a T-shirt. For others, it means a full suit and tie! We accept you as your are and encourage you to bring who you are to church.
Do i need to bring anything?
You might want to bring your Bible in order to follow along as we dive into the scriptures in our messages and in worship, but you are not required to. Don't have a Bible? We have one for you here! Ask one of our greeters or ushers for one and we will happily provide one for you. You can also download our app, and you'll be able to take notes, check out our current events, and more.
what are the services like?
Most of our services incorporate singing, a message, and an offering. Our Lead Pastor, Eric Frey, brings powerful, inspiring messages direct from God’s Word. Each week Eric relates God’s Word to our daily lives, at times comforting and at times convicting. Our hope is that you leave changed by the power of God speaking to you through His Word.
To help you engage God individually, at the bottom of your bulletin there are questions for you to consider during your daily Bible study this week. To listen to any of our messages, click here or download our app.
where do i park?
There are spots available specifically for guests and newcomers— located in front of our building. Parking is available there, or we have a gravel parking lot on the sides and back of the church.
Where should I go once inside of the building?
Our ushers and greeters can direct you to our worship center where we have our services. There is coffee to the left and bathrooms straight ahead.
what about the kids?
We do have classrooms available for children and students (for more information, click here)! Ask a greeter or an usher to direct you and they will be more than happy to help you. If you have an infant, we have a nursery available for them as well. If you want, though, you can have your children sit with you in the service.